Strategizing Political Reform in Russia

Global Publics aims to provide an avenue for the Russian population, expatriates, diaspora, and anyone supportive of self-determination of Russia and its respective publics to collaborate on a post-Putin reconciliation with the world community.

Despite the dim prospects of an end to the war in Ukraine, the prospect of a Russia integrated with Europe looks promising as Putin’s rule over Russia is so far-reaching, upon his death or fall from rule there will be a power vacuum that could allow for a swing back towards an inclusive, free society.

The conflict in Ukraine can be viewed as a last gasp of a fading Russia displaying its strength, while it is beset by isolation and demographic decline. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia could have been developing institutions with Europe and grown into an economic powerhouse.

Beyond the mandate of Global Publics to bind nations under precepts of collective security, environmental integrity, and anti-corruption, policies include:
• Discussing an economic path for Russia to join the European Union, post-Putin
• Negotiating equitable reparations for Russia's aggression against Ukraine, post-Putin